The Weller by Cohiba Or Cohiba Weller Toro brings together one of the premier cigar makers with one of the foremost brewers of bourbon for an astonishing smoke. Aged in Weller bourbon barrels at the famed buffalo trace distillery in Frankfort, KY.
Featuring a radiant three-tobacco blend, including rare leaves harvested at the exclusive island of Ometepe, Nicaragua, and barrel-aged Connecticut leaves, and lavish filler from the Dominican Republic. It’s all held together by a smooth, luscious Connecticut broadleaf binder leaf for a relaxing draw. This exceptional mix is artfully rolled into a luscious and oily, seven-year-aged Maduro wrapper from the fertile fields of Olancho, San Agustin Honduras. The Barrel aging process saturates the blend with a feast of flavors unlike any other.
It all comes together beautifully on the draw, the cigar, and the spirit, offering the rich taste of peaty leather and sweet cocoa. Its profile is outstanding on its own, but they reach legendary levels when paired with Weller 12-Year bourbon.
It’s incredibly rare for there to be such a distinctive connection between the cigar and the drink, so pairing the two is practically mandatory. Each cigar comes sealed in a collectible glass tube that’s functional as well as fashionable and makes for a lovely keepsake. At six inches, with a fifty ring gauge, this limited edition Toro will give smokers a luxury smoke that they will never forget
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